Event staff are the professionals that help to make sure that an event flows perfectly, but they shouldn’t be a distraction to the guests. It is a known rule in the event industry that staff should move seamlessly through rooms and avoid making a huge impact on the things that are happening around them. The clothes that they wear can either make or break an entire event, especially if some members don’t stick to the uniform or dress code regulations. Below are some tips to take advantage of to learn how staff should dress at events.

Black is Best

In the event industry people refer to black uniforms as “Show Blacks” and they are your best option when dressing staff for any event, whether a business luncheon or a formal wedding. Black is a color that blends in with any type of decor and it is far less likely to show the appearance of stains or sweat. It is also a color that many see as professional as it is sleek and modern. The staff should wear black dress shirts, black slacks, and black shoes to complete their entire outfit.

Comfortable Flat Shoes

Even though an event may only last a couple of hours, there are plenty of additional hours put into making a venue ready. This is why the staff should always be wearing comfortable shoes that they can walk in throughout the day. Not only is the comfort of the staff important, but you don’t want individuals needing to sit down every hour because their feet hurt. Flat shoes are also essential so the wearers can walk in and out of rooms without the distracting sound of heels connecting with the floor.

Personal Hygiene

Clothing isn’t the only important thing to take into consideration when you’re looking at how event staff should dress, as their personal hygiene also gives off a lasting impression. You will want to make sure that they avoid wearing perfumes or colognes (for the comfort of guests), their nails should always be clean and natural, and their hair should always be styled appropriately. Many event staff professionals will be responsible for working with food and you will want to make sure that your guests feel comfortable eating from clean individuals instead of an employee with bright neon nails and a hairstyle that they wore to the club the night before.

One Response to Dress to Impress: How Staff Should Dress at Events (Part 2)
  1. Dress to Impress: How Staff Should Dress at Events (Part 2) (via @EventsUncovered) - October 19, at 12:20 pm Reply

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