The use of the internet has ushered in an age where people in different areas of the globe can collaborate and tap into a broad range of expertise from different people from across the globe. International collaborations lessen the burden of having in-house professionals who provide you with the necessary support structure for your events company.

Here are the tips on how to collaborate with people from across the globe.

Whom to Look For

In your events company, it is sometimes capital intensive to hire the entire workforce. It is for this reason that you can collaborate with people from around the world with the skills you require. It may range from internet marketing professionals to SEO experts; the trick is to know what you need then conduct the necessary research starting with people with great referees.


There are many individuals spread out across the world ready to collaborate on events projects that will have a positive impact on the parties involved. There are also scammers who are out to swindle people out of their hard-earned money and sort ideas.

Careful research will reveal the type of people you are about to collaborate on your venture. A mere search on any of the search engines will show the kind of experience and qualifications they possess. Go a step further and validate their claims by engaging them in a light chatter before giving them the full gist of the project.


This is the cherry on top of the cake after identifying and researching the people in the events industry that you will collaborate within your events projects. It is importunate that you should have a similar approach to the events industry and that you can align your goals with theirs and vice versa. It remains that you need a smart way to approach them.

How to Approach Them

Depending on where you have found the people to collaborate with, the way you approach them is different for each platform. The easiest is by finding them on event freelancing networks where you can first seek to see the sort of events jobs they have handled.

On Social Media, you can monitor their events activity, and you can initiate contact and track their event expertise before hinting at collaboration. LinkedIn is a proper place to find serious and professional events individuals for collaboration.

With the above tips, you will be on the road to having better events management with different ideas and concepts from various experts in various parts of the globe. Strive to conduct research on the individuals before engaging them or letting them in on your events projects especially their culture and the days they will not be working.

One Response to 4 Ways on How to Collaborate With People Internationally
  1. 4 Ways on How to Collaborate With People Internationally @eventsuncovered - Protocol Bloggers Point January 23, at 9:45 am Reply

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