21 Apr 2022
April 21, 2022
Bobby Dutton created GrooveBoston in 2004, and set out to pioneer a new concert model, built on the statement that “music is no longer a spectator sport.” Bobby and his team have designed seven concert tours — most recently “Ethos,” with 30+ stops all over the US. His team also takes on challenging projects outside of the music space, under the pseudonym “Mission Six.” Bobby has shared his knowledge on how to make people happy with an event, make the event about your guests, personalised experience, music released online every day is more than 24hours, don’t just listen to the positive, but find and listen to the criticism.
To get in touch with Bobby, go to
Bobby Dutton, education, entertainment, eventprofs, Events Uncovered TV, eventsuncovered, GrooveBoston, music
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