Social media and social networking has almost overlapped to the point of being an interchangeable phrase. But, that is not actually accurate. Social media and social networking are two distinct entities that do share commonalities. This article will help build the elementary Venn Diagram of the similarities and differences between the two. Social Media: Social.. read more →

Going stag to an event can mean leaving behind your whole support system. How in the world do people do this regularly? For most people the thought of going to an event or party without someone there that they already know is terrifying. Read on for a few hints to survive this ordeal. Dress appropriately.. read more →

The quote by John Denver that people everywhere are the same in heart and spirit perhaps is the best caption on why music connects people. There is something about music. It stirs some emotions in us. It has a universal appeal. Hearts and minds are in harmony when there is a tune or a song.. read more →