Now more then ever, collaboration within the events industry is necessary for the success and continued wellbeing of its companies. Lets take a brief moment to get into what collaboration means, why it is important, how it can benefit you directly, and how you can help facilitate an atmosphere where your company will thrive.

What Exactly Does Collaboration Mean?

Collaboration is not something reserved for employees. Rather, collaboration between businesses in the events industry means working with competitors and affiliated businesses towards a greater goal that everyone will benefit from. Whether this is collaboration targeting a particular event or collaboration targeting long-term industry best practices, working with other companies may be the most important thing your company can do.

Why Is Collaboration So Important?

Collaborating with other event industry businesses means being able to learn from what they do just as they will learn from you. Whether it is tips and tricks they have picked up to cut costs or practices that you were unaware of, building a relationship through collaboration can make your company more profitable. In addition, collaboration with others requires a level of self-awareness in regards to what your company does in the industry. It helps you better understand the particular role your company plays, and where it may be able to expand.

When it comes to collaborating for an event, then issues like creative friction scale and long-term planning become significantly easier. As the old adage goes, “Two Heads Are Better Then One,” and you will benefit by working with others. As the process plays out, even challenging business relationships can be smoothed out as you both work towards a mutually beneficial goal.

What Benefits Come From Collaboration in the Events Industry?

The direct benefits that come from collaboration in the events industry is well studied. Some of the findings include the power created by collaborative research where two or more companies come together to perform market research that would ordinarily be impossible to either. There is also the coming together to set industry best practices, as well as lay the framework for having and maintaining a relationship with event industry businesses that are doing very well and benefit your company. Along with being able to influence and make more concrete changes in the industry, you will also be perfectly situated to learn and benefit from the experience of others in your field.

How Can I Drive Collaboration?

If there is very little collaboration in your area, then you may have to take a leadership role. Begin reaching out to other companies and businesses in the industry. Speak with a single, strong voice stating the importance and benefits of creating a collaborative network. You will be the cornerstone for which trust is built, leading all businesses in your area (including your own) towards a more profitable future.

Special Thanks to Miguel Neves, Miranda Van Brück, Ruchi Aggarwal and Julius Solaris.

Video by the talented Alejandro Negueruela:

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