Outdoor activities are healthy. You get to spend some time under the sun, thus satiating your need for vitamin D. People engaging in outdoor activities get to burn some calories, breathe in some fresh air which is always healthy and they tend to have fun. Outdoor activities are always more adventurous than indoor events. Even.. read more →
When it comes to marketing and improving your brand awareness there is one unique tool that you need to use to your advantage: the guest persona. By using this unique strategy, you will be reaching out to the people that are actually interested in the products and services that you have to offer, instead of.. read more →
With the tens of thousands of charities in the world auctions have become an incredibly popular way to raise funds and awareness about illnesses and causes. If you’re planning a charity auction the best thing that you can do is take the necessary steps to make sure that it’s successful. Below are a few key.. read more →
When you’re planning an event there are certain elements that you want your audience to walk away with, whether you have a particular statement that you want to get across or an improved level of brand awareness. One of the best ways to drive your attendees to connect with your content is to offer games,.. read more →
Let us first define what an educational experience is. Many event organizers, hosts or presenters think that offering a tidbit of information, surprising or shocking the guests with some fascinating numbers, sharing an apparently amazing experience or just narrating a story would be educational enough. Those are just informational or at best a revelation. They.. read more →
There is no dearth of events these days. Chief executives, investors and even professionals cutting across rank and file are inundated with event requests. Many people don’t attend most events they are invited to because there simply isn’t anything to bring home. Hence, the first purpose of any event organizer or whoever is going to.. read more →
How much information can the human brain process in a given moment? That is yet to be figured out. But the scientific revelations that we have at your disposal iterate that our attention span is limited and what we can remember is certainly much stunted in comparison with what we observe and record. At any.. read more →
Any event can be a grand success only when it manages to engage the audience. Ensuring that you have substantial attendance is the stepping stone and satiating the audience through the event is the secret for success. Many presenters fail to engage the audience at various levels. Here is a list of the five common.. read more →
If you have ever attended, participated or hosted a Q&A session at an event, then you know how plain and simple boring it can get. In most events where there is a panel and an audience, the only interaction between the two is through the questions and answers, often at the very end of the.. read more →
There are many ways to increase productivity. As an individual, professionals should try to hone their skills, get better and must manage their time, resources and tasks to come up with the best possible results. As a company, one has to instill practices that will fuel productivity. There are many tools that managers, business owners.. read more →